




読了時間 : 約4分11秒

2014年にGoogleによって作成され、リリースされたMaterial Designは、すべてのデバイス、すべての製品のユーザーエクスペリエンスを統一するために作成された革新的なビジュアル言語であり、強力なテクノロジーと組み合わされた素晴らしいデザインの原則に基づいて構築されています。

マテリアルデザインのシンプルな美学は、Googleのモバイルアプリ(Gmail、受信トレイ、カレンダー、YouTubeなど)とデスクトップサイト全体で見ることができます。 AppleのiOSとMicrosoftのMetroが数年前にフラットOSデザインでWebとモバイルデザインの相貌を変えたように、マテリアルデザインは現在のWebとモバイルデザインのトレンドに大きな影響を与えています。







1.Android Nougat Free GUI By Material Design Kit
Android Nougat Free GUI


2.Material UI Kit (PSD).
Material UI Kit psd


3.Material Design UI Kit Boilerplate (Sketch).
Material Design UI Kit Boilerplate


4.Covalent Material Design Template (Sketch).
Covalent Material Design Template


5.Material Design Wireframe Kit (Sketch).
Material Design Wireframe Kit


6.Material Design UI Kit (PSD)..
Material Design UI Kit


7.Google Inbox Material Design (Sketch).
Google Inbox Material Design


8.Nest Material Design UI Kit (Sketch).
Nest Material Design UI Kit


9.Mobile Material Screens (PSD).
Mobile Material Screens


10.Android Lollipop Material Design UI kit by Ivan Bjelajac (Sketch).
Android Lollipop Material Design UI


11.Material Design UI Kit by UltraLinx (PSD).
Material Design UI Kit by UltraLinx


12.Material Design UI Template & Icons by Kyle Ledbetter (Sketch).
Material Design UI Template & Icons by Kyle Ledbetter


13.Material Design UI Kit by Benjamin Schmidt (Sketch).


14.Material Design Inspired Bootstrap UI Kit by Vitaly Chernega (PSD).
Material Design Inspired Bootstrap UI Kit


15.Android L Keyboard by Sander Värv (Sketch).


16.Android L Kit by Rasmus Nielsen (PSD).
Android L Kit by Rasmus Nielsen


17.Android L Toolbox by Deividas Graužinis (PSD).
Android L Toolbox by Deividas Graužinis


18.Android L Web and Mobile Interface by Abhinav Chhikara (PSD).
Android L Web and Mobile Interface by Abhinav Chhikara


19.Google Inbox Templates by Abhinav Chhikara (PSD).
Google Inbox Templates by Abhinav Chhikara


20.Android Material Design Template by Donart Bytes Selimi (PSD).
Android Material Design Template by Donart Bytes Selimi


21.Instagram in Material Design Templates by Zach Buechler (PSD).
Instagram in Material Design Templates by Zach Buechler





22.Material Design Icons Custom Shape by Taylor Ling (431 Icons, CSH).
Material Design Icons Custom Shape by Taylor Ling


23.Material Design System Icons by Walmyr Carvalho (20 Icons, Sketch, PNG).
Material Design System Icons by Walmyr Carvalho


24.Android L Icon Pack by Icons8 (840 Icons, PNG).
Android L Icon Pack by Icons8


25.Material Icons Pack by Benjamin Schmidt (435 Icons, Sketch, SVG).
Material Icons Pack by Benjamin Schmidt


26.Material Design Icon Grid by Jiangping Hsu (PSD).
Material Design Icon Grid by Jiangping Hsu


27.Material Design Icon Templates by Gabe Will (AI).
Material Design Icon Templates by Gabe Will


28.Google Material Icons (Sketch).
Google Material Icons


29.Mini Material Icon Set Vol1 (AI)..
Mini Material Icon Set Vol1


30.Material Icons (Sketch).
Material Icons Sketch


31.Material Design Icons with Bounds (250 Icons, Sketch).
Material Design Icons with Bounds


32.Material Design Powerpoint & Keynote Icons (425 Icons, PPTX & KEY).
Material Design Powerpoint Keynote Icons


33.Isometric Material Icons (PNG, PSD & AI).
Isometric Material Icons


34.Set of Material Design Hand Gestures (PSD, AI & PNG).
Set of Material Design Hand Gesture



※本記事は、30 Free Material Design UI Kits, Templates & Icon Setsを翻訳・再構成したものです。





